📄️ Accordions
Very simple and easy to use accordions, you can have it by :focus or with Javascript.
📄️ Alerts / Notificacions
Components for alerts and notifications with various styles and colors.
📄️ Badges
Badges or states, as you prefer to call them, can be used in your tables or other places. Here is an example of how to use them:
📄️ Breadcrumbs
To Indicate the current page’s location on your website. You can create your navigation hierarchy logic to implement it. Each separator is added by CSS.
🗃️ Buttons
2 items
🗃️ Cards
4 items
📄️ Carousel / Slider
This is an experimental carousel, it works, but not perfectly. You can view the code here Scroll-Snap-Slider.
📄️ Comments
Every blog has its comment area, and here are a few components for that area.
📄️ Dropdown
Display dropdowns as some easy ways to add more options and links to your project. Good dropdowns for displaying lists of links and more in a few easy ways by hover or focus.
📄️ Gallery
Gallery components for your website, especially for the sections where you want to put a group of images.
📄️ Images
Some simple components to place those images without them becoming deformed, and of course it is responsive.
📄️ Lists
Classes to have an unordered and ordered list, with the possibility of adding sublists.
📄️ Modals / Dialogs
Custom elegance, simple and beautiful modals, and dialogs to use on your website.
📄️ Pagination's
A responsive, and flexible pagination's.
📄️ Progress
Progress bar created with native HTML progress tag. To indicate progress on downloading and loading pages with different colors. With other options for the custom progress bar.
📄️ Tabs
Simple responsive horizontal and vertical tabs to display multiple contents.
📄️ Tooltips
You can easily add tooltips to your buttons, cards, or any other element using CSS. Here's how to do it: